Brand vision, values, and the voice should play an influential role in your visual identity and logo. It’s imperative to understand their importance and how these concepts should appear in text, form, iconography, and color.
Comprehending basic logo characteristics principles is helpful in defining a strong presence with your offering in your business segment. So how do you create the best logo for you?
Logos categorize into four different groups: Wordmark, Lettermark, Brandmark, and Iconic.
- Wordmark logos are type-based marks, sometimes utilizing graphic elements where needed. FedEx or Google, anyone?
- Lettermark logos are also text focused, using letterforms rather than whole words or names. Check out PlayStation, ABC, and Hewlett Packard – to name a few.
- Brandmark logos are entirely graphic based, illustrating the identity in one mark. Think Nike and Apple.
- Iconic logos are a balanced combination of both graphic marks and text elements. While this seems the be the most widely used logotype, Starbucks, and Mercedes-Benz do it exceptionally well.
Choosing the mark that aligns with your mission will enhance your brand, making the impact you want on your audience, products, and services. Still unclear? Consider these qualifiers:
Wordmark Logo
- Your organization's name directly describes your offering.
- Communication touch points are limited.
- Your business name is unique and not generic.
- You want the name/word to become a symbol.
Lettermark Logo
- Your company name translates better in its initials.
- The initials could also communicate a greater message (ex. an acronym).
- There is a want for a type-based mark, but already a company name similar to yours that uses a wordmark.
Brandmark Logo
- Your business’ name is long in its number of characters.
- Your message is simple and easily understood.
- Your company is large, established and touches a big audience.
- You have a need for a simple shape (ex. used as an emblem, etc.).
Iconic Logo
- Your company’s a smaller business.
- You want both a recognizable name and emblem.
- Your business is new.
- You want a graphic mark, as well as text.
A smart, well-planned logo design will provide the foundation for all levels of communication. Additionally, many of the decisions established in these steps will translate into answers when considering additional identity items (stationery, website, etc.).
Aedieno is a boutique creative agency. For innovative logos and comprehensive branding strategies, please contact us.