The world of tradeshows is enormous. How do you stand out? Understanding your options, objectives, and these ten simple rules will lead you to make the impression you want on your audience.
01 Brand Integrity
This is how people will immediately identify with you from across the room. Always showcase your name, colors, and typography. No brainer, right?
02 The Three W’s
Do you know who you’re talking to, what you need to communicate, and why it’s important? Defining your objectives on the front end will make creating the perfect content a cinch.
03 Message Magic
Think of your tradeshow display as a billboard. You want to deliver an innovative and effective message in under 7 seconds. It needs to be concise and purposeful, enticing visitors to your booth wanting to learn more.
04 Myth Busting
Yes, your logo should always be in the prime location. However, that doesn’t always mean the top of your design. If you’re a smaller business, consider putting your message first to attract passersby.
05 Images with Impact
Support your message with a vivid image to grab your audience's attention. Just like your verbiage, images should speak clearly and promote your brand.
06 Less is More
Clutter-free is the way to be. When there is less to look at, your message is more readable. It means you can make it large and deliver a quick impression from afar.
07 Timeless
Producing a display is an investment; having a timeless message, image, and design will go a long way (and a long time).
08 Uniqueness
Being different will get you noticed, whether it’s the shape, setup, technology, or design. Consider using AR, VR, and interactive displays to attract and engage visitors.
09 Good Giveaways
Large or small, everyone loves a great giveaway – and we don’t mean a flyer. Have treats on your table, hold a drawing for an iPad, or organize a contest for visitors to win something even more significant.
10 Big Picture
Your display design isn’t everything. Ensure your booth (including apparel, collateral, and furnishings) aligns with your message. Incorporate eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient solutions to show environmental responsibility and appeal to eco-conscious attendees.
Aedieno is a boutique creative agency. For tradeshow, sales, and marketing collateral design, please contact us.